Rusk Making Business
Project Description
A rusk is a hard, dry biscuit or a twice-baked bread. It is sometimes used as a teether for babies. In some cultures, rusk is made of cake, rather than bread: this is sometimes referred to as cake rusk. In the UK, the name also refers to a wheat-based food additive. Roasted Bread are called Rusk. It is having very good selves life and very tasty to eat. It will have all the ingredients and nutrients of Bread. It is neatly packed and sells in the market. The Manufacturing of Rusk also easy as the same bread is manufactured the bread are sliced in the slicing machine the sliced bread are again roasted in the oven to remove the moisture. Good Roasted bread will have no moisture and grips and dry
Price :
₹ 1999/-
₹ 1500 /- (inclusive of GST 18%)
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