Pencil Manufacturing Business
Project Description
A pencil is a tool used for writing or drawing anything.Children are taught to write with pencils first in their childhood because text written with a pencil can be erased with eraser and mistakes can be corrected easily using a pencil instead of pens.A pencil is very useful for everyone in their life.With that many different colours, pencils are also available in the market just for writing. Pencil Manufacturing Business is a profitable venture in small scale industry as pencils are always in high demand as people prefer using pencils at schools, colleges, offices, even homes and almost every place.Pencils are found in every household, so Pencil Manufacturing Business is a beneficial investment in the future prospectus . In this video, we will share the details about Pencil Manufacturing Business.
Price :
₹ 1999/-
₹ 1500/- (inclusive of GST 18%)
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