Onion Flakes and Powder Making Business

Project Description

India, during 2017-18 has produced about 97358 Thousand MT fruits and 184394 Thousand MT vegetables in about 6506 Thousand Ha and 10259 Thousand Ha areas, respectively (Horticultural Statistics At a Glance, 2018, MoA&FW, GoI). Unfortunately, fruits and vegetables being perishable in nature get wasted to the tune of 20-30 per cent in the supply chain due to improper handling, transportation and poor post harvest management; and only 2 per cent are processed in to value added products and the rest is consumed as fresh. Therefore, processing of fruits and vegetables offers immense scope for wastage minimization and value addition; thus can generate significant income and employment in Indian agrarian economy.

Price : 1999/- 1500 /- (inclusive of GST 18%)

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