Leather Purse Making Business
Project Description
Leather is commonly used for designer labels and other luxury bags. It is because it can easily be cut, shaped, and designed in many ways. Furthermore, its durability has been tested by time. The beauty it provides is evident in many social events. There is no question that it is one of the most favorite materials by many fashion aficionados. Now women can purchase high-quality designer handbags- with-a-conscience that they can be proud to carry. The only concern about this material is the price. Definitely, it is by far expensive, especially if it comes from exotic animals. Even ordinary leather is not cheap at all. It is because the process of making it is laborious.
Price :
₹ 1999/-
₹ 1500 /- (inclusive of GST 18%)
If you want to buy any membership , you can directly contact us on 7738444571 or 7208967143