Glass Bowl Making Business

Project Description

Glassware is defined as the articles which are made from different types of glass, such as, soda-lime glass, lead glass, and heat resistant glass. Glassware is used for containing food or decorative purposes. A Glass bowl is a round dish or container typically used to prepare and serve food. The interior of a bowl is characteristically shaped like a spherical cap, with the edges and the bottom forming a seamless curve. This makes bowls especially suited for holding liquids and loose food, as the contents of the bowl are naturally concentrated in its center by the force of gravity. The exterior of a bowl is most often round but can be of any shape, including rectangular. The size of bowls varies from small bowls used to hold a single serving of food to large bowls, such as punch bowls orsalad bowls, that are often used to hold or store more than one portion of food.

Price : 1999/- 1500 /- (inclusive of GST 18%)

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