Charcoal Body Wash Making Business

Project Description

Soaps or Body washes are salts of fatty acids that are used for the purpose of cleaning the body. The soap present in the body wash solubilizes particles and grime which are then separated from the surface by washing it. They also kill the micro-organisms by disorganizing their membrane lipid bilayer and denaturing their proteins. It also emulsifies oils by enabling them to be carried away by running water. They are created by treating fats or oils with a base. Charcoal body wash or more specifically “Activated Charcoal” body wash contains activated charcoal as a major ingredient which has several properties. Activated charcoal is a fine, black, odorless powder that is made by superheating sources of carbon in absence of air. Substances that are generally taken to prepare the activated charcoal include bamboo, coconut husk, yellow peat, coir, lignite, coal, and petroleum pitch.

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