Automatic Control Cables Making Business
Project Description
Auto control cables are widely used in various controls of two/three-wheel vehicles. Twisting of desired/required number of S.S. wires, of standard wire gauge of different diameter into one cable makes these. The numbers of S.S. wires of standard gauge depend upon the end use of the auto control cables like brake wire, clutch wire, accelerator wire etc. Each type of cable is of different size depending upon the specific purpose of the cable. The S.S. standard gauge wires are twisted in the twisting machine and cut to the required length. One end of the cable is butted and dipped in the molten zinc to avoid ends opening and at the other end of the cable a Zinc stopper of required size/design is fixed by Die- casting process. The Auto control cables are the fast-moving spares used in two/three-wheel vehicles and have very good replacement market. These cables enable the driver to control the various vehicle functions, and have a very wide market all over the country. The machines, equipment and raw material for manufacturing these cables are easily available and the technology is fully indigenized. The Unit can be set up in all major cities or near the city area and requires very nominal investment in plant and machines.
Price :
₹ 1999/-
₹ 1500 /- (inclusive of GST 18%)
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